Ephesians: Study 1
1. Complete the sentence. A Christian is someone who…
2. In your own experience, have you found it difficult to read the Bible? What little things can we do that might help us encourage and motivate each other just for the next 6 weeks in Ephesians?
Read Ephesians 1 (divide it up if you need to)
Before we get into the questions, what are some of our first impressions of the chapter? Unsure of the meaning of some words/phrases?
3. Complete the table with what God has done. (or talk through them)
4. Where and how do you see yourself in this table?
5. The passage uses “in Him…” multiple times to describe the relationship we have with Jesus. What do you know about what that means?
6. How is God pictured in this passage and how does it differ to what most people assume about God? How might this help us answer some of the common tough questions like why suffering?
7. Look closely at how Paul prays for the Ephesians (v.15-23). What can we learn about what is our most pressing need?
8. In v.18-19, Paul prays that Christians would know
a. the hope to which he has called you
b. the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints
c. the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe
What practical use is there in each?
End by praying through the passage for each other.