Campus Bible Studies
Thursdays 11:30 am | Cafe Six
How To Not Fear
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather knowing that something else is more important than fear.” This is true for lots of things in life, including evangelism.
Become What You’re Not
If the apostle Paul were to write a 12 Rules for Life book, one of which would certainly be this. It is a radical and counter-intuitive idea that we should become what we’re not because of who we are. But that’s exactly what Paul says.
Water For My Camels - Book Review
A book review of Paul Grimmond’s great little book on dating. Let’s face it, you need to know this.
God’s Divisive Glory
We are reading through A Peculiar Glory by John Piper at our Monday meetings. This is a quick discussion on 2 Cor. 4:3-6 based on chapter 9 of the book.
Life starts at death
Bible study questions from Colossians 3:1-17, week 9, semester 2, 2022
Jesus Ignored Politics
Despite its token value, it created a dichotomy between the law of the land (which recognised Caesar’s rule) and the law of God (which affirms God’s rule). This is the underlying issue in v.17, which could be read “Is it lawful according to religious law to pay taxes to Caesar which was required by secular law?”
What happens after I die?
Death is the one guaranteed event in everyone’s life which no one wants to talk about. This study is a (very) brief look at the question “what happens after I die?”
Sin will grow if we let it
No one is perfect is a truism that should be obvious to anyone with the least bit of self-awareness. And yet it does not explain the human condition that turns some into Nazis and others into nurses. Is it just simple social/cultural economics or is there a deeper supernatural element?
Why Believe In A Final Judgment
Talking about the Final Judgment can be tricky because it requires we make certain presuppositions. Not only that, it has real application since the object in question is none other than ourselves.
Making decisions rightly
There are many issues the Bible does not address directly. What is to be expected of us as Christians then? More importantly, how do we know we are doing the right thing in the hundreds of decisions we have to make everyday?
Discovering Your Spiritual Gift Is Easier Than You Think
Spiritual gifts have long been a contentious issue within the Christian church today so it might surprise you to learn that discovering our spiritual gift is easier than we think.
Am I interpreting the Bible right?
It can seem like there are as many church denominations as there are ice cream flavours. Christians can read the same Bible and arrive at completely different conclusions. What do we do when that happens?
Ephesians: Study 11
Having called on us to walk as Christians, Paul ends by bidding us to stand. What does that mean?
Ephesians: Study 10
An unpopular passage at the least or sure proof of Christianity’s impending irrelevance?