Our Public Meetings
Mon & Wed 12:30 - 1:15 pm | JO8.302
Catch up on what you missed
The True Cost of Entry
In these three paragraphs, we see two things. Peter denying Jesus to save himself; Jesus denying himself to save Peter. But there is more.
The Continuing Work of Jesus
Have you ever wondered what it would have been like to be alive during the time Jesus was on earth? Surely watching him live would grow our faith more than simply reading about him on a computer screen! No, it wouldn’t. Here’s why.
I Am The True Vine
When Jesus says he is the true vine of God, it isn’t simply a self-declaration of his identity. It is a statement that defines our place within God’s workings in this world. In it we find both a warning and an encouragement.
Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled
What stands in contrast to worry and anxiety is not peace and quiet. It’s trust. When Jesus tells us to believe, he’s really asking us to trust him. It’s less a leap into darkness and more a reliance on an anchor’s strength.
Judas Iscariot
When Judas betrayed Jesus, we realise the insidious nature of sin. But at the same time, we see the glory of God. His ways are not our ways. He is glorious in ways we don’t understand.
Jesus Washes The Disciples’ Feet
Jesus didn’t wash his disciples’ feet simply to teach them about humble service. It is a profound lesson on how we approach God. Simply put, it is a parable about the cross.
Good Samaritan Part 2
There is a hero in the Parable of the Good Samaritan and it is not us. What the parable teaches is exemplified in the immediate account of Martha and Mary. Only one thing is necessary - choose the good portion.
The Good Samaritan
The Parable of the Good Samaritan is one of the most misunderstood passages in the Bible. It’s easy to see the parable telling us to be like the good samaritan but that can’t be further from the truth. Read it slowly; read it carefully, and you’ll find treasure that will lift your soul.
The Supremacy of Christ
Jesus is not interested in what we can do for him so much as he is committed to who we become in him. It is him who works in us. It’s him who presents us. So the question to ask is never really how do I change my circumstances, how do I change my work place or my school or my marriage. The question is how is God changing me?
Face to Face with God
Our passage in John 1 tells us the same thing about God. How do we know God? If you want to know God, God has to reveal himself to you. And the Bible tells us God did that in the person of Jesus Christ.
Unaffordable Grace
What this passage shows us at the end is that it’s not what we do, it’s what Jesus has done. Keep that at the forefront of your mind and it will be the anchor for your soul. On your good days, it protects you from pride and complacency. But on your bad days, this protects you from despair.
The Good Samaritan
What the parable of the Good Samaritan shows us is the futility of thinking we have the power to somehow secure eternal life. Whether someone is a religious person or a non-religious atheist doesn’t matter at all. Both the priest and the levite offered no salvation. Where does salvation come from? Where you least expected and in the most unpredictable manner.
The Dead Can Bury Their Own Dead
Chapter 9 of Luke marks the beginning of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem. It begins like how it ends, with rejection. And yet it is precisely his rejection that paved the way for our acceptance.
Wasteful Sower Gracious God
The parable of the sower is incredibly revealing. It doesn’t just show us the reality of human hearts, it tells of the grace of God.
God’s Upside-Down Kingdom
Jesus says Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. What did he mean? In what universe is being poor a good thing?
Jesus went where the devil feared
The temptations of Jesus in the wilderness is an incredible account that gives us a glimpse into the reality of the spiritual realm. It is a pivotal moment in the life of Jesus because it sets the direction of his life ultimately ending up at the cross, though not without having to endure excruciating torment.
When God Is Missing
Luke 2:41-51 contains the only historical account of the life of Jesus before his public ministry. Inspired by the Spirit of God, Luke records this as a prelude to what Jesus has come to do. It is a sure antidote for those moments when we think God is missing from our lives.
The Virgin Birth Foretold
God’s Word comes unexpectedly and His Spirit works powerfully. Taken from our public meeting in week 2, sem 2.
God Keeps His Promises
Are you sure you’ve made the right choice in believing what the Bible says about God? How can you be sure?