What happens after I die?
Week 7 Small Groups
It may surprise you to know that while the Bible certainly speaks of death and its consequences, it has frustratingly little to say about the experience as such. This is especially so in the Old Testament, leading to the conflicting schools of thought in the time of the New Testament between the Sadducces who deny any notion of a disembodied spirit and the resurrection of the dead, and the Pharisees who embraced them (Matt 14:26; Luke 24:37–39; John 11:24; Acts 12:15).
Nevertheless, the Bible is clear on two things:
Death is a consequence of sin
Human existence will continue after death (our focus here)
1. As far as you are comfortable, share any significant deaths (family, friend, etc) you’ve experienced.
Read Luke 16:19-31
2. How would you describe the state of being for Lazarus and the rich man after death?
Read 2 Cor. 5:6-10
3. What is Paul describing by his use of ‘home’ and ‘away’?
4. How are you confident that there is life after death?
5. How would you explain death to a 5-year-old?
6. What impact does Jesus’ own death and resurrection have on both believers and non-believers today?